Full stack Ghent meetup 20th April 2022

Published in Originals on Apr 22, 2022

On the 20th of April, I gave a talk at the Full Stack Ghent meetup. I shared some tips that help me in my Laravel workflow, so my talk was called “Quick Wins in Laravel”.

If you missed my talk my slides can be found on Slidr.io.

Bert on stage

During the evening there were 8 talks in total, all on different topics such as CSS, IoT, Astro, PHP, Accessibility, Kubernetes, Regexes, and my talk Laravel. It was my very first public speaking experience, and directly for a larger crowd than a regular meetup, about 130 people showed up that evening.
And lastly, I want to thank the organizers (Dries, Freek and Rias) for making this event possible.

Also, I kinda liked the public speaking thing, so you’ll see me on a lineup somewhere in the future.

#personal, #meetups, #talks, #api