Laravel – Artisan – Cheat Sheet

Published in Originals on Oct 31, 2018

Here’s an overview of what you could use while developing a project with Laravel.
In order to create controllers, models, migrations, … we can use artisan.

Creating a Controller

php artisan make:controller MyController

When we want artisan to provide a controller with the “resource functions” (index, create, store, show, edit, update, destroy) predefined for us, we can simply add “–resource” to our command to provide these functions out of the box.

php artisan make:controller MyController --resource

Creating a Model

php artisan make:model

If you want artisan to provide a migration file related to our newly created model, you can just add “-m” to the command. Which gives us something like this:

php artisan make:model -m

Creating a Migration file

We’re also able to create our own migration file, for example is we want to add field to an existing table or create a pivot table, or …

php artisan make:migration the_name_of_your_migration

Just like the migration file that artisan provided for us when we used -m on the creation of a model, the migration file will be added to the /database/migrations folder.

Deploy the migration file(s) to the database

In order to get our migration file(s) migrated into the database, we need to tell artisan to migrate them. Like so:

php artisan migrate

Be aware that once a migration file has been migrated to the database, all changes to the file afterwards will be discarded. We’ll need to create a new migration file in order to add additional changes / migrations. In the database you can see the hierarchy of the migrations in the table migrations.

#artisan, #laravel