Articles tagged with

7 quick Laravel Tips

March 3rd, 2022 — posted in Originals — 5 minute read

Here are 7 quick tips for your next Laravel project. Based on experience I’ve Tweeted some of these tips and though, why don’t I gather them into a...

#laravel, #tips

Working with Policies in Laravel

December 26th, 2023 — posted in Originals — 4 minute read

As a project grows larger, it can sometimes become confusing to keep authorization logic in the controllers. A solution to this is to use Policies. But even for small projects, this is very powerful, in fact, I try to use it everywhere, it makes my code clean and readable.

#laravel, #policies, #security, #authorization

Impersonating users made easy in Laravel - Package In Review: 404labfr/laravel-impersonate

March 6th, 2024 — posted in Code With Burt — 1 minute read

In this episode we're reviewing, installing and testing 404labfr/laravel-impersonate. A package that allows you to impersonate users in your application

#php, #laravel, #impersonation, #open-source, #package

Laravel – Artisan – Cheat Sheet

October 31st, 2018 — posted in Originals — 2 minute read

Here’s an overview of what you could use while developing a project with Laravel. In order to create controllers, models, migrations, … we can use artisan.

#artisan, #laravel

Laravel 11, What is new?

March 18th, 2024 — posted in Code With Burt — 1 minute read

A new version of Laravel was released, version 11. In this video we're taking a look at a few of the changes and what's new to the framework.

#php, #laravel, #release, #laravel-11

Keeping your database structured

July 31st, 2022 — posted in Code With Burt — 1 minute read

In this weeks #QWW, we'll make sure our database doesn't get messed up. We're going to use the "after" method to keep the database structured. We'll also use the pretend flag to see the queries that will be run during the migration.

#database, #laravel, #structure

What if a scheduled task fails

January 30th, 2022 — posted in Originals — 2 minute read

Sometimes scheduled tasks fail. It’s happening more often than we think.

#scheduled-tasks, #laravel

Incrementing & Decrementing values in one line

July 31st, 2022 — posted in Code With Burt — 1 minute read

This is the very first video of #QWW, Quick Win Wednesday. In this video we'll be incrementing and decrementing values in one line of code.

#laravel, #tutorial

Getting started with Laravel Reverb & Livewire

March 22nd, 2024 — posted in Originals — 6 minute read

In the beginning of March (2024) Laravel reverb was released. Now it's officially released and go through a small example in this tutorial.

#reverb, #laravel, #php, #tutorial, #livewire, #websocket

Clearing cache using Events or Observers in Laravel

July 31st, 2022 — posted in Code With Burt — 1 minute read

In this video you'll learn how to clear your application's cache using Observers. We'll also be using Laravel Telescope and Postman again to test things out.

#cache, #events, #observers, #laravel, #tutorial

Functional API VS Class-based Components in Laravel Livewire Volt

February 11th, 2024 — posted in Code With Burt — 1 minute read

Here is a comparison between Functional API Components and Class-based Components. The 2 options we have when using Volt, the single file Components in Laravel Livewire.

#laravel, #livewire, #volt

Become a debugging wizard with Ray

June 13th, 2024 — posted in Code With Burt — 1 minute read

In this video we're learning how to use Ray. Weither your working with Laravel, PHP, Javascript or some other programming language, Ray is there for you.

#php, #debugging, #laravel, #ray, #spatie

Laravel 6 From Scratch web course for free

May 17th, 2020 — posted in Community content — 1 minute read

A free course on Laravel 6 (from scratch) is available on Laracasts.

#laravel, #course

Laravel Pulse in action

January 14th, 2024 — posted in Code With Burt — 1 minute read

In this video we're going through what you could do with Laravel Pulse. We're tracking slow requests, slow jobs, queues, exceptions, user requests, cache....

#laravel, #pulse, #monitoring

How to get started with Laravel Valet

May 16th, 2020 — posted in Originals — 2 minute read

Tired of the localhost setup like MAMP, WAMP or XAMP? Tired of the configuration, ‘etc/hosts’, and stuff like that.

#laravel, #valet

Playing with OpenAI and Laravel - Package In Review: openai-php/laravel

February 18th, 2024 — posted in Code With Burt — 1 minute read

In this episode we're reviewing, installing and testing open-php/laravel. A php client package for the Open AI API, created by Nuno Maduro.

#package, #open-source, #php, #laravel, #open-ai

Deepdive into Laravel Pint

July 31st, 2022 — posted in Code With Burt — 1 minute read

In this video we're taking a look at Laravel Pint, Created by Nuno Maduro, one of Laraval's core team members.

#laravel, #pint

How to use the WhereX statement in Laravel

August 3rd, 2022 — posted in Code With Burt — 1 minute read

In this weeks #QWW, we're using the whereX statement to query our data. With whereX you can use the field name of the column you want to query as a suffix to the where statement.

#eloquent, #laravel

Cabon SubMonth VS SubMonthNoOverflow

July 31st, 2022 — posted in Code With Burt — 1 minute read

The subMonth function in Carbon doesn't really do the subtraction of a month. It's trying to get the same day number of the previous month. This could cause issues. Here is how to prevent issues with subMonthNoOverflow

#carbon, #laravel, #tutorial, #submonth

How to use Mutators in Laravel

July 31st, 2022 — posted in Code With Burt — 1 minute read

In this weeks #QWW, we're talking about how to use mutators in Laravel. Mutators can be used to mutate the data provided by the user to the database and vice versa.

#mutators, #laravel, #tutorial

Install Laravel and use Artisan

April 6th, 2020 — posted in Code With Burt — 1 minute read

In this video you'll learnt basics of Artisan

#laravel, #artisan

Laravel Origins Documentary

January 31st, 2022 — posted in Community content — 1 minute read

Laravel Origins tells the story behind the framework. How it started and how it has grown into what it is today.

#laravel, #documentary

Custom Commands & Scheduled Tasks in Laravel

February 2nd, 2022 — posted in Code With Burt — 1 minute read

After building a quite large application that was all about automating several tasks during the day, week and month I thought why don’t I create a tutorial covering this subject.

#scheduled-tasks, #commands, #laravel, #tutorial

Dive into Laravel – Installation

October 3rd, 2018 — posted in Originals — 2 minute read

Installing Laravel Installing Laravel and getting your project going is quite easy, if you know how to do it. So here we go! First of all you’ll...


I created a vat number checker package

February 11th, 2024 — posted in Originals — 3 minute read

When populating client information in an accounting platform you have to make sure the VAT Numbers of the clients you create on the service side are correct

#laravel, #package, #github, #open-source, #vat

Installing Laravel Valet

June 15th, 2020 — posted in Code With Burt — 1 minute read

I bought a new laptop, so I need to install everything. In this video I’m taking you along the installation of Laravel Valet.

#laravel, #valet, #tutorial

Public routes blow up Laravel

December 27th, 2023 — posted in Community content — 1 minute read

Here is Chris Fidao explaining how public routes can blow up your Laravel app and eventually even bring it down.

#laravel, #routes, #sessions, #overload

Tutorial on how to get started Laravel Reverb

April 10th, 2024 — posted in Code With Burt — 1 minute read

In this video we're getting started with Reverb, we're building a very simple chat app which allows 2 users to communicate in real-time.

#laravel, #reverb, #tutorial

Lacalization in Laravel 5.8 made easy

June 20th, 2019 — posted in Originals — 5 minute read

In this tutorial we’re only focussing on localization, so I won’t go over the installation of Laravel and I assume that you already have a working Laravel project.

#laravel, #tutorial, #locale

How to build a Public API with Laravel

July 31st, 2022 — posted in Code With Burt — 1 minute read

In this video you'll learn how to build a Public API. We're using, Caching, rate limiting, API resources and we'll have a look at Laravel Telescope. We'll also use PostMan to test our API.

#api, #laravel, #tutorial