
This was 2023

December 28th, 2023 — posted in Originals — 6 minute read

2023 is almost over, here is what happened this year.

#year-recap, #personal

Public routes blow up Laravel

December 27th, 2023 — posted in Community content — 1 minute read

Here is Chris Fidao explaining how public routes can blow up your Laravel app and eventually even bring it down.

#laravel, #routes, #sessions, #overload

Working with Policies in Laravel

December 26th, 2023 — posted in Originals — 4 minute read

As a project grows larger, it can sometimes become confusing to keep authorization logic in the controllers. A solution to this is to use Policies. But even for small projects, this is very powerful, in fact, I try to use it everywhere, it makes my code clean and readable.

#laravel, #policies, #security, #authorization

I threw out WordPress

December 23rd, 2023 — posted in Originals — 2 minute read

After years of using Wordpress for my blog, I finally made a decision I should have made yeas ago.

#statamic, #personal, #blog

The landscape of developer blogs in 2023

April 15th, 2023 — posted in Originals — 3 minute read

I was thinking about getting back to blogging. For that I wondered if my WordPress blog which I’ve set up ages ago would still do the trick.

#blogging, #cms, #poll

This was 2022

December 31st, 2022 — posted in Originals — 4 minute read

As the year 2022 comes to an end I took the time to take a look back at what happened during the year.

#year-recap, #personal

How to use the WhereX statement in Laravel

August 3rd, 2022 — posted in Code With Burt — 1 minute read

In this weeks #QWW, we're using the whereX statement to query our data. With whereX you can use the field name of the column you want to query as a suffix to the where statement.

#eloquent, #laravel

Keeping your database structured

July 31st, 2022 — posted in Code With Burt — 1 minute read

In this weeks #QWW, we'll make sure our database doesn't get messed up. We're going to use the "after" method to keep the database structured. We'll also use the pretend flag to see the queries that will be run during the migration.

#database, #laravel, #structure

Incrementing & Decrementing values in one line

July 31st, 2022 — posted in Code With Burt — 1 minute read

This is the very first video of #QWW, Quick Win Wednesday. In this video we'll be incrementing and decrementing values in one line of code.

#laravel, #tutorial

Clearing cache using Events or Observers in Laravel

July 31st, 2022 — posted in Code With Burt — 1 minute read

In this video you'll learn how to clear your application's cache using Observers. We'll also be using Laravel Telescope and Postman again to test things out.

#cache, #events, #observers, #laravel, #tutorial