
Laravel – Artisan – Cheat Sheet

October 31st, 2018 — posted in Originals — 2 minute read

Here’s an overview of what you could use while developing a project with Laravel. In order to create controllers, models, migrations, … we can use artisan.

#artisan, #laravel

301 Redirects, when and why should we use them

October 31st, 2018 — posted in Originals — 2 minute read

301 Redirects are permanent redirections, so it redirects a certain URL to another one. When we use them? When the website url changes for the...

#htaccess, #tutorial, #301-redirects

Dive into Laravel – Installation

October 3rd, 2018 — posted in Originals — 2 minute read

Installing Laravel Installing Laravel and getting your project going is quite easy, if you know how to do it. So here we go! First of all you’ll...


Clearing your local DNS Cache

August 30th, 2017 — posted in Originals — 1 minute read

While editing DNS settings for a client (or for yourself) and the URL’s don’t resolve like they should, it’s probably your local DNS Cache fooling you.

#cache, #dns

Getting started with Grunt and Sass

October 18th, 2015 — posted in Originals — 3 minute read

This year I’ve started working with some new tools, two of them are Grunt and Sass. Grunt is a commandline JavaScript Task Runner, and Sass is a...

#gunt, #sass, #css